Fashion Retail Business Research Lab
Hongjoo Woo, Ph.D.
2023 - Now : Associate Professor
Clothing & Textiles, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
2021 - 2023 : Director
Fashion & Textiles Research Center, Yonsei University
2021 - 2023 : Department Chair
Clothing & Textiles, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
2019 - 2023 : Assistant Professor
Clothing & Textiles, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
2016 - 2018 : Assistant Professor
Consumer & Design Sciences, Auburn University, USA
Ph.D., M.S. : University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA
Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies
B.S. : Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
Clothing & Textiles / Media and Communications (Dual Major)
지속가능의류비즈니스 (Sustainable Apparel Business Management)
패션상품과 국제무역 (Fashion Products & International Trade)
패션산업의 혁신과 창업 (Fashion Innovation & Entrepreneurship)
의류상품과 리테일링 (Apparel Products & Retailing)
글로벌패션비즈니스특론 (Advanced Research in Global Fashion Business)
패션비즈니스의 사회적책임 연구 (CSR Research in Fashion Business)
패션테크놀로지연구 (Fashion Technology & Analytics Research)
글로벌패션비즈니스 (Global Fashion Business)
패션정보세미나 (Fashion Seminar)
Jung, S., Shin, C. D., Woo, H., & Jin, B. (2024). Spillover effects of positive and negative CSR-related publicity: When and how the effect is lessened and amplified. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 31(3), 2086-2097. [SSCI] IF=9.8
Woo, H., Shin, D. C., Kim, N. L., Tong, Z., & Kwon, S. (2024). Can sharing with others whom consumers Can't see increase their sense of community? An examination of social presence on sharing platforms. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 76, 103614. [SSCI] IF=10.4
Woo, H., Kwon, W. S., Sadachar, A., Tong, Z., & Yang, J. (2024). Small retail businesses' social media adoption amid a crisis. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 124(3), 1299-1325. [SCI] IF=5.5
Woo, H., Chung, A., Richey, G., Hopkins, C., & Lee, K. (2022). Product-flyer location and type of product categories in retailing. Journal of Business Research, 138, 146-160. [SSCI] IF=10.969
Woo, H., & Kim, S. (2021). An expansion of the brand and message framing effects on smart health-care clothing. Journal of Product & Brand Management. [SSCI] IF=5.248
Kwon, W-S., Xiao, H., Sadachar, A., & Woo, H. (2021). External pressure or internal culture? An innovation diffusion theory account of small retail businesses' social media use. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 62, 1-9. [SSCI] IF=10.972
Ramkumar, B., Woo, H., & Kim, N. L. (2021). The cross-cultural effects of brand status and social facilitation on enhancing consumer perception toward circular fashion. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 28(4), 1254-1269. [SSCI] IF=8.741
Kim, N. L., Woo, H., & Ramkumar, B. (2021). The role of product history in consumer response to online second-hand clothing retail service based on circular fashion. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 60, 1-9. [SSCI] IF=10.972
Woo, H., Kim, S., & Childs, M. (2020). Is this for our sake or their sake? Cross-cultural effects of message focus in cause-related marketing (CRM). International Marketing Review, 37(4), 671-694. [SSCI] IF=5.326
Woo, H., Childs, M., & Kim, S. (2020). A path to altruism: Investigating the effects of brand origin and message explicitness in CR-M campaigns. Business Ethics: A European Review, 29(3), 617-628. [SSCI] IF=6.967
<우수발표논문상> 한국복식학회 춘계학술대회, 2024
<Graduate Student Research Competition - Winner> 한국의류학회 국제학술대회(ICCT), 2024
<우수발표논문상> 한국유통학회 춘계학술대회, 2024
<우수강의교수상> 연세대학교 교무처, 2023
<Paper of Distinction Award> International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA), 2022
<Best Poster Presentation Award> International Conference in Clothing & Textiles (ICCT), 2022
<Outstanding Paper Award> American Association of Family and Consumer Science (AAFCS), 2022
<Rising Star Award> International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA), 2021
<우수논문발표상> 한국의류학회 추계학술대회, 2021
<우수강의교수상> 연세대학교 생활환경대학원, 2020-2학기
<Paper of Distinction Award> International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA), 2020
<우수논문발표상> 한국의류학회 추계학술대회, 2020
<우수강의교수상> 연세대학교 생활환경대학원, 2020-1학기
<Best Oral Presentation Award> International Conference in Clothing & Textiles (ICCT), 2020
<우수강의교수상> 연세대학교 교무처, 2019
<우수논문발표상> 한국의류학회 춘계학술대회, 2019
<People's Choice Best Poster Award> Engagement Scholarship Conference (ESC), 2017
<Highly Commended Paper Award> Emerald Publishing International, 2017
<Paper of Distinction Award> International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA), 2014
<Sara Douglas Fellowship for Professional Promise> ITAA, 2012
Editorial Board Member, Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing & Textiles
International Relations Committee, ITAA
Faculty Scholarship & Awards Committee, ITAA